Artlist FAQs
- How many assets are in Artlist's catalog?    (9 out of 11 found this helpful )
- How does Artlist footage compare to Artgrid?    (30 out of 59 found this helpful )
- How can I customize the agreement?    (0 out of 0 found this helpful )
- What are the required system specifications?    (661 out of 816 found this helpful )
- How often is the catalog updated?    (0 out of 0 found this helpful )
- Does Artlist have a referral program?    (9 out of 24 found this helpful )
- Where can I find the license agreement?    (5 out of 24 found this helpful )
- Where can I find the privacy policy?    (0 out of 1 found this helpful )
- Where can I find the Terms of Use?    (1 out of 5 found this helpful )
- How can I chat with Support?    (122 out of 256 found this helpful )
- Can I purchase a subscription as a gift?    (6 out of 16 found this helpful )
- Is there a minimum age to use the site?    (4 out of 7 found this helpful )
- What is HitFilm?    (3 out of 5 found this helpful )