Find a clip in the catalog

We've made it easy to find the best footage for your projects. 

Find a clip using the clip ID

Find a clip using the search bar

Find a clip using the filter menus

Find an Artgrid clip in Artlist Footage


Find a clip using the clip ID

Paste any clip ID into the search bar to find the perfect clip you need!

Find a clip using the search bar

Type a keyword into the search bar to get started. Our search is intuitively designed and backed by AI technology to help you find exactly what you're looking for. 

Find a clip using the filter menu

Use the filter menu to guide your search by Video Theme, Shot Type or People.

You can also sort by Staff Picks, Top Downloads, and Newest.


Search for an Artgrid clip in Artlist Footage

Artlist Footage and Artgrid have the same exact catalog, but the clip name format is a bit different. If you found a clip on Artgrid but want to download it from your Artlist account, here is a step-by-step to show you how:

1. First, locate the clip in Artgrid. For our example we'll use this clip of a computer gaming station.

2. In the address bar, copy the clip ID:

3. Next, open Artlist Footage and paste the clip ID into the search bar, then Enter and your clip will be there!



