Using the music, SFX, or AI voiceover in radio

Artlist's license doesn't cover the use of Artlist audio assets including music, SFX, and AI voiceovers for radio, including traditional radio and Internet radio like Spotify, Sirius XM and others.

Our standard license is a synchronization license specifically for people creating video and this type of audio-only, commercial use is not covered. 


We also offer custom Business solutions that may cover your use.

You need a business license if:

  • Your company or legal entity has more than 50 employees or is part of a larger group with over 50 employees
  • Your agency or team requires more than 7 seats
  • You're using Artlist assets in apps, software, or games
  • You're a broadcaster
  • You're creating audiobooks
  • You distribute content via DVD and Blu-Ray
  • You need to modify or customize the standard agreement

Get more information about a custom Business solution.
