We’re using AI to make your experience on Artlist even better! Artlist’s search bar can help you find a specific song or artist on the site, or search by asset type, and you can use almost any keywords to find just what you’re looking for.
You can search for any assets in our music, SFX, footage, and templates catalogs! Select they asset you want using the dropdown and type in your search term for and a list of results to appear.
You can also use the search bar to look up the song name, artist name, and lyrics in music, SFX, footage, and templates categories.
Be sure to check out our blog for the latest news and features to help you optimize your search.
For a license that covers all the assets, check out Artlist Max! Max includes music, SFX, footage, AI Voiceover, templates, plugins, LUTs, and more. Max plans are available with a Pro, Teams, or Business plan.