Troubleshooting tips for Premiere Pro templates


Perhaps your template doesn't look the same as it did in the preview video. Or maybe the project has a visual flaw, the sound is missing or the graphics are offset. Or it's even possible that the template isn't structured to display correctly under your current renderer. 

Whatever the issue, we’ve got some troubleshooting tips for you:


1. Check Video Rendering and Playback Settings

Check that your project is set to Software Only, as some systems are not compatible with some Video Rendering settings.

  1. Go to File > Project settings > General...
  2. Check the Renderer drop-down menu is set to use software only.


It’s worth giving each option a try to find out which one works best for your systems, however you can select the Software Only option to be safe.

PC users will need to select Software Only or CUDA if not already selected.


2. Clear your Adobe Premiere Pro CC Cache:

  1. Go to Preferences > Media Cache.
  2. Select Delete Unused to remove all the unused cache files.

3. You can also change the settings to automatically delete cache files that are a set number of days old. Hit OK, and you’re done.


3. Improve Video Playback quality 

If your video playback is blurry in Premiere Pro, it's likely your video preview settings are set to a lower resolution in order to speed up playback performance.

To optimize playback for higher video resolution quality, change the video preview dropdown under the video preview window to a higher resolution setting such as "Full". This will ensure your video playback is at its highest resolution, but may cause slower playback depending on your system resources and the load of the video.


4. Updating GPU drivers and Operating System

Another common culprit for issues on Premiere Pro is Graphics drivers and missing updates. It is often worth doing a clean install of your video card drivers. If you have a dedicated video card, you can do this via the software that comes with your card (e.g. Geforce Experience for Nvidia cards). Otherwise, head to your device manager and find your card under display adapters to manually update it.




In terms of Operating Systems, it’s always worth keeping on top of these by checking your system settings for any pending updates. 


5. Audio issues 

If your audio suddenly disappears, the first thing to try is Undo (Cmd or Ctrl + Z) but for all other disappearing sound issues, follow these steps:

Check The Volume

Ok, so checking the volume might be an obvious one to start with; however, Premiere Pro has several different volume controls, and any one of them could prevent you from hearing your sound. 

Check that your device is outputting sound; an excellent way to check this is to open up a YouTube video to see if you can hear the audio.

In Premiere, go to the Audio tab, check the Master Audio controller, make sure the Volume is high enough for you to hear it, and that the green audio bar moves when playing.

Finally, check the Clip Volume and make sure that it is at an audible level.

Check Audio Hardware

If the volume controls have not fixed your issue, it could be a problem with the audio hardware. Audio hardware issues are common when moving between headphones and internal speakers; your device might recognize you have removed the headphones, but Premiere Pro hasn’t.

  1. Open up the Preferences tab in Premiere Pro.
  2. Go to the Audio Hardware tab.
  3. Check the Default Input setting matches the microphone you are using.
  4. Check the Default Output setting is set to the device you are using to hear your Premiere Pro audio.

Check Playback Preferences

Also under Preferences is a Playback tab, with another Audio setting that can potentially ruin your day. Under Audio Devices, make sure the drop-down menu is showing Adobe Desktop Audio.

Move your Files

Unlike Final Cut Pro, which imports the footage into the software, Premiere Pro references your assets from wherever they are saved. Referencing assets can have huge benefits; smaller project size, quicker transfers, easy updating of core media, etc. However, the referencing does also cause a few conflicts from time to time.

Conflicts with your media storage can be as simple as an external drive being disconnected a bit too early or complicated codec-based issues. Sometimes simply moving your files can help fix any problems. If you are using an external hard drive, try moving some files to your internal drive to see if that solves the issue.

Even if you are already working from your internal drive, moving your files can still help. Once you do this, you will need to relink everything in Premiere Pro. Relinking shouldn’t take too long if you’ve been careful with your asset management, but it can help Premiere Pro sort out any bugs in the system.


6. Copy to a New Project

If moving your asset files in the background hasn’t helped, it might be time to try and copy the entire project. Don’t just duplicate the project folder and all the assets, which will likely reproduce any issue within the project. Create a New Project, and copy/paste your work across to a new timeline. 

You may need to do some Relinking of your media or Import assets that were not in your timeline, but this method allows you to keep your work so far while removing any conflicts in the way your original project was set up.


7. Relink missing files 

If you open your Premiere project and see the big red 'media offline' screen, it likely means one of your clips has moved or been deleted from the placed it's referenced from. The error can be simply fixed by linking back to the original file. 




Locate the missing file in the project

Head down to the project panel, where you media and sequences sit. Hit Shift +1 on your keyboard to bring this up if you don't see it, or open it from the Window menu. You'll see on the project window the missing clips will have the question mark on top of a file, these are the ones we need to link. 



Locate the original file 

Right click on the missing file and select, 'Link Media' from the list.



This will bring up a media browser window that works similarly to a regular file browser. From here. hit locate in the bottom right. You can then either hit search to scan the PC's files, or if you know where the file might have moved to, browse to the location from the folder options on the left of the window. 


Once you've found it, import the file back into the project and confirm everything is looking how it should be. 




Hopefully those tips have helped you with any issues you may be having with your Premiere Pro template. 
