Where to find your how-to video
So you’ve downloaded one of our great templates and would like to know how to get started editing in your chosen software.
Good news is that our templates are extremely intuitive and structured in the exact same way—so once you know how to customize one, you'll be able to customize them all! If you need some extra guidance, the template authors often include a short tutorial which go over the editing basics:
After downloading the template, go to whichever folder you selected to have the download sent to. Here you will find a .zip file. Click on this .zip file to extract the zip folder.
With the folder extracted, you should see three folders; a project folder, one for the font links and a final ‘Help’ folder. Look in the Help folder for a .mp4 video called ‘tutorial’, ‘how-to-video’ or something similar. Double click this to open it up in the media player of your choice!