How do I protect my clients’ videos from claims?

To protect your clients’ videos from claims, add them to your Clearlist. You can add the videos to the Clearlist yourself, or create an invite link to share with clients that allows them to add their own YouTube videos once they’re published.


Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Clearlist tab in your Account.
  2. Scroll to the Clear your videos section, then click Create Invite Link
  3. Type your project’s name and click Create Invite Link
  4. Share the link with your clients, so they can add the videos themselves.
  5. The link will lead to a page that explains to your clients what to do and why, and lets them track the status of their videos.


The link will expire after 30 days. If you'd like to disable the link before the 30 days are up, you can disable it by clicking on the Disable Link button -

Once you disable the link, your clients and colleagues won't be able to clear any more videos through the link. Any videos they've already cleared will remain protected from claims.


You'll be able to track the status of your invite links to see when they expire and how many videos have been added through the link. The videos your clients add will show up under the Videos tab, so that you can track their status.

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If you're part of an agency, company, foundation or other legal entity with more than 50 employees, or which is part of a group with over 50 employees, or if you need a custom agreement, a Business plan is right for you. 

A Business plan includes all the features or a standard plan, plus additional coverage, early access to new releases, special asset collections, and a custom license to cover you and your clients. For more information about a customized solution, contact our Business team.
