With Artboards, you can keep all the assets for your project in 1 place! Add a description and let Artboards use the power of AI to curate and collect Artlist assets from all our catalogs and generate tailor-made suggestions of assets for your projects.
Create an Artboard
Artboards are a way to keep all the assets for your project in 1 place. With Artboards, collect assets from different catalogs and use the power of AI to generate tailor-made suggestions of assets for your projects.
Check out how to easily create an Artboard to organize and save music, SFX, and footage to your account:
Browse the catalogs and create an Artboard
1. Browse the catalogs and find any asset you want, click the 3 dots, then Add to Artboard.
Steps to create an Artboards in your account
- Click Create Artboard
- Describe your project
- Click Generate Artboard
- Browse the suggested assets
- Add the assets you like to your Artboard
Once you create an Artboard, you can add to, edit, view, and share it.
To license music, music stems, AI Voiceover, SFX, footage, templates, and plugins, subscribe now to an active plan.
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